This is the question that is inevitably asked at any social function. It’s the conversation opener when standing around the BBQ, kitchen or pool.
Unfortunately for me, my occupation is a bit of a mystery to most people. Here’s how a typical conversation might go:
Person at Dinner Party: “So, what do you do for work?”
Me: “I’m a Virtual Assistant”
Person at Dinner Party: “What’s does a Virtual Assistant do?”
Me: “Well, it varies, but I work with list management software, manage membership sites, upload content, do HTML editing, monitor email accounts, create content for social media updates, edit audio, manage customer contact activities, set up teleseminars, broadcast emails and newsletters and do some diary management.

Person at Dinner Party: “Oh.” Blank look.
Me: “I do admin work from home.”
Person at Dinner Party: “Oh! It must be great to work from home.”
Me: “Yes, it really is.”
A lot of people don’t know what a Virtual Assistant is, but that is changing and more and more small business owners are beginning to recognise the value in having a Virtual Assistant to do all the admin tasks they dread or are just too busy to do themselves.
A Virtual Assistant is paid only for the hours worked. You don’t pay for coffee breaks or chats by the water cooler. That’s 100% productivity! You wouldn’t get that from an employee working in your office.
You don’t have to give a Virtual Assistant a desk or a computer, all this is provided by the VA in his or her own home. There’s no fiddly withholding of tax or paying of superannuation, because the Virtual Assistant is not your employee, but rather a business contracting out its services.
To find out more about what remote administrative services Magic VA Solutions can provide for you, feel free contact me.